The Overall Objective:
To contribute to regional growth by improving women’s participation in the labour market focusing on:
• Horizontally segregated labour markets
• The lack of women in innovation and technology
• The lack of women in entrepreneurship

The project aims to shape regional, national and EU-level policies and development programmes that relate to women’s status in the labour market and ensure these policies are integrated into mainstream provision.

The partners from 8 European countries and 9 regions will work together to build on good practices developed and identified in previous projects for attracting women into non traditional fields. Through interregional exchange of best practice, study visits and research, action plans will be developed which will address the ways the status of women in the labour market can be improved. Regional Multi Actor Groups will be formed to act as an arena for co-operation between Managing Authorities, local and regional authorities, businesses, research institutions, Women Resource Centers, WRCs and other voluntary Sector and NGOs organisations.

As a result of the project the partner regions will be able to benefit from:
• Reformed and improved policies for gender equal local and Regional development with support of WRCs
• Increased knowledge of how to design policies and best practices from WRCs which promotes women in the labour market as a whole and specifically innovation and technology and entrepreneurship, counteracting horizontal gender segregation
• 9 Regional Operational Programme (ROP) action plans to inform EU level policies and development programmes, on how to implement WRCs as an actor
• A best practice guide available containing 100 best practice tips from WRCs and other projects with a gender perspective

Read more about Winnet8 »

Winnet8 Presscommunicé
Winnet8 Broschure
Winnet8 website »

Good Practice:

Winnet8 Good Practice Guide Set



Gender Mainstreaming in the
Structural Funds - Brussels 2012 

Main results from Winnet8,
Interreg IVC Capitalisation project

Interreg IV C Capitalisation project
WRC Brussels 2011

Updated by AnnaStina Johansson, 29/06/2021